Spider-Man 2

· Saltzailea: Random House Worlds
3220 iritzi
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Follow the adventures of one of the greatest superheroes of all time in the official novelization of the major motion picture! 

Two years have passed, and Peter Parker struggles to cope with the demands of life as a college student, a Daily Bugle photographer, and a crime-fighting superhero. But it hasn’t gotten any easier. Condemned by the press, tormented by secrets he can never reveal, forced to give up the girl of his dreams—at times the lonely burden of Spider-Man seems almost too great to bear . . . and the temptation to give up grows stronger by the hour.

Enter the archfiend Doc Ock, armed with a lethal invention powerful enough to destroy half the city. If Spider-Man tries to stop Doc Ock, he’ll be placing the lives of those closest to him in mortal danger. If he doesn’t, it could be the end of the Big Apple. With millions of lives hanging in the balance, high about Manhattan’s glittering skyline, Spider-Man confronts his destiny, his fiercest enemy, and himself.

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3220 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Peter David is famous for writing some of the most popular of the original Star Trek: The Next Generation novels, including Imzadi and A Rock and a Hard Place, as well as the official novel of the movie Spider-Man. His original works include the fantasies Sir Apropos of Nothing, Wode to Wuin, and Knight Life, and the quirky werewolf story Howling Mad. He single-handedly revived the classic comic book series The Hulk and has written just about every famous comic book superhero, including Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, and the futuristic Spider-Man 2099. He collaborated with J. Michael Straczynski on the Babylon 5 novels and comic book series, and with Bill Mumy, he created the Nickelodeon television series Space Cases. In his spare time, he writes movie screenplays, children’s books, and TV scripts.

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