Spring in the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 16]

Men of the Border Lands Kirja 16 · Siren-BookStrand
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[Siren Menage Everlasting: Erotic Futurisitc Menage a Trois Sci Fi Romance, M/F/M, HEA] Gail is tired of being coddled. Yes, she's pregnant, but she's not an invalid. She wants her men and to do something besides sit around. Benton and Travis are terrified that something will happen to Gail or the baby. They only want what is best for her and that doesn't mean constant sex or working in the garden. She needs rest and all the protection they can give her. Only Gail is having none of it. Then there's the whole delivery thing that has both men on edge. Delivering their baby wasn't something they'd thought of when they'd been making the baby in the first place. Now they have to bone up on the subject and manage to lull Gail in to thinking they had it all under control. Spring brings a new life, a change of heart, and a grizzly bear. They learn to find a way to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses in order to make spring a Border Lands success. Note: This book contains double penetration. ** A Siren Erotic Romance Marla Monroe is a Siren-exclusive author.

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