Jesus will give the nations universes to live in. United African Continent has already petitioned Him for 10 billion galaxies in this universe and a trillion universes in the Mega, Mega, universe. What will China, Russia, Vietnam, Iran, Japan etc petition Jesus when He comes back ? The Parallel futures of the White race , the Black race and the Asian race. They will all be given universes to live in by The God of Israel.
Jesus was Melchizedec ( Heb 7). So He must have been King of Salem in Genesis. Jesus was also King over the Canaanites ! Satan has never been to hell and when he does go there at the Second coming it is to be beaten and thrown out of hell by the inhabitants thereof. (Is 14). The Bible says it took God Generations (Gen 2:4)- not just Seven days to create the earth. That means Evolutionists are right about the time span and method. Theologians misunderstood. God designed and guided Evolutionary process is correct. Generations is to be noted. Where is Jesus? Whatever happened to the end time war between Christians and the U.S.S.R.? Did you know during Moses plagues the God of Israel turned Satans nation to look like frogs, bugs and lice etc. What did you think real demons looked like? Read this book for more.