Star Hunter

· The Floating Press
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In the future, advanced technology has made it possible to perform "mind-swapping" procedures that implant one person's memories, skills, beliefs, and feelings into another's brain. Predictably, scam artists have begun to employ this technique for nefarious purposes. In Star Hunter, that's exactly what happens to down-on-his-luck janitor Vye Lansor, who finds himself on an unfamiliar planet with a new set of memories. Will the ploy work, or will Lansor fight back? Read Star Hunter to find out.

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Born Alice Mary Norton on February 17, 1912 in Cleveland, Ohio, she legally changed her name to Andre Alice Norton in 1934. She attended the Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve) for a year then took evening courses in journalism and writing that were offered by Cleveland College, the adult division of the same university. Norton was a librarian for the Cleveland Library System then a reader at Gnome Press. After that position, she became a full-time writer. She is most noted for writing fantasy, in particular the Witch World series. Her first book The Prince of Commands was published in 1934. Other titles include Ralestone Luck, Magic in Ithkar, Voorloper, Uncharted Stars, The Gifts of Asti and All Cats are Gray. She also wrote under the pen names Andre Norton, Andrew North and Allen Weston She was the first woman to receive the Gandalf Grand Master of Fantasy and the Nebula Grand Master Award. She has also received a Phoenix Award for overall writing achievement, a Jules Verne Award, and a Science Fiction Book Club Book of the Year Award for her title The Elvenbane. In 1997 she was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame. She died on March 17, 2005.

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