Star Trek: Mere Anarchy: Its Hour Come Round

· Sprzedawca: Simon and Schuster

Informacje o e-booku


A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek™ history, concluding with an adventure that takes place after The Undiscovered Country and Generations!


Captain James T. Kirk is dead, lost during the launch of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B. His former shipmates are not the only ones who mourn his passing: Raya el-Mora and the people of Mestiko are stunned to learn that the man who has played such a pivotal role in their lives over the past three decades is now gone.

But Kirk's passing comes as Mestiko is on the threshold of a new era, as they have come from near-destruction to comtemplating membership in the Federation. The surviving crew of the Starship Enterprise gather together as this strife-born world world one last time as its future hangs in the balance....

O autorze

Margaret Wander Bonanno (1950–2021) was the bestselling author of Star Trek: Burning Dreams; Star Trek: The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows; Star Trek: Dwellers in the Crucible; and Star Trek: Strangers from the Sky, as well as two science fiction trilogies, The Others and Preternatural.

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