Star Wars Luke Skywalker's Amazing Story

· Dorling Kindersley Ltd
15 ta sharh
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Meet Luke Skywalker and learn all about his amazing adventures with this Level 1 DK Reader

Get your child hooked on reading with the action-packed Star WarsTM Luke Skywalker's Amazing Story, all about your child's favourite hero, Luke Skywalker.

Designed to engage even the most reluctant reader, this Star Wars reader is about Luke and his amazing adventures as he teams up with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3P0 and R2-D2 and journeys to the Death Star to confront Darth Vader and rescue Princess Leia.

Level 1 Readers have simple sentences, limited vocabulary, and word repetition - great for children who are just beginning to learn and those who are early or reluctant readers.

Filled with amazing Star Wars pictures, Star Wars Luke Skywalker's Amazing Story is an out-of-this-world read.

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15 ta sharh

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Simon Beecroft is the New York Times bestselling author of LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary as well as many other Star Wars titles for children, including Star Wars The Clone Wars: Watch Out For Jabba the Hutt, Star Wars: Luke Skywalker's Amazing Story, and Star Wars: Beware the Dark Side. He has also written books on subjects as diverse as dinosaurs, extreme weather, future technology, Nelson Mandela, Power Rangers, and the Fantastic Four.

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