Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi: Underworld (Volume 3): Book 3

· Disney Chapter Book (ebook) 3. liburua · Saltzailea: Disney Electronic Content
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As a Jedi apprentice, Ferus Olin had to leave the Jedi Temple in disgrace. Now he must return to redeem himself - and save the future of the Jedi Order. The Empire now controls the Temple and everything inside...including, it is rumored, an imprisoned Jedi. Ferus and his street kid partner, Trever, must plunge into the depths of Coruscant in order to free this Jedi, exposing themselves to a dark underworld where both thieves and refugees hide from the Emperor's wrath. Breaking into the Temple isn't going to be easy...and surviving the underworld is going to be even harder.

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Judy Blundell, pseudonym Jude Watson, is an American author of books for middle grade, young adult, and adult readers. Jude Watson is primarily known as the author of Star Wars books. Writing for the Star Wars franchise she works with editors from LucasBooks as well as Scholastic. Her debut came when LucasBooks recruited her to write the Star Wars Journal Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa, published by Scholastic in 1998. Beside the journals of Princess Leia, Queen Amidala (1999), and Darth Maul (1999), Watson is the author of three series that comprise about forty books: Jedi Apprentice (except for the first book), Jedi Quest, and The Last of the Jedi. She is also a co-author with K. D. Burkett in the Star Wars: Science Adventures series. Her other books include the romance series Brides of Wildcat County, the parapsychic science fictions Premonitions and Disappearance, and three books in the 39 Clues mystery adventure series. She won the annual National Book Award for Young People's Literature in 2008 for the young-adult novel What I Saw and How I Lied, published under her real name by Scholastic Books. In 2013 she made The New York Times Best Seller List for her title Nowhere to Run.

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