Starstruck: Volume 1

· Starstruck 1. kniha · Brenda Hiatt
419 recenzií
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When the impossibly hot new quarterback ignores all the pretty cheerleaders competing for his attention to come over and sit at YOUR lunch table… what do you do?

I’ve always been the class dork—shy, bookish, not particularly pretty and definitely not popular. In other words, I’ve never been anybody important. Orphaned twice as a toddler, I’m not even sure who I am, other than a burden to my super-strict adoptive “aunt.” But then the gorgeous new quarterback, Rigel, arrives at Jewel High and turns his back on all the popular girls vying for his attention to seek out ordinary me—of all people! I’m over the moon, of course, but the first time Rigel touches me, sparks fly—literally! Then weird things start happening. Suddenly, I no longer need my thick glasses. My complexion improves, too. When I demand to know what’s going on, the answer both thrills and terrifies me. Not only is Rigel my bonded soulmate, apparently I’m not such a nobody after all! But my unexpected status comes with huge risks that threaten both my life and our newfound love. 

Book 1 of an electrifying young adult science fantasy romance series from a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, where teen romance blends with science fiction to open a whole new world of action, adventure and discovery!

This series is perfect for fans of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series and Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Lux series, with its themes of forbidden romance, fated mates, opposites attract, and overcoming dangerous obstacles to achieve a happy ending.

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419 recenzií

O autorovi

 Brenda Hiatt is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen novels (so far), including sweet and spicy historical romance, time travel romance and teen science fiction romance. Whatever book of hers you pick up, you'll find sparkling romantic adventure with a guaranteed happy ending! In addition to writing, Brenda is passionate about embracing life to the fullest, to include scuba diving, Taekwondo, hiking, traveling, and reading, of course! Connect with her at

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