Stealing Hearts: A Billionaire Fake Fiancee Romantic Suspense

Tangled Hearts 2-р ном · Sara Claridge
6 шүүмж
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Stealing back her necklace was easy... Keeping it is an entirely different problem.

Life took a sharp turn for Evie Madison the night her grandmother's necklace was brutally taken. Ten years later, the chance to steal back the ruby pendant is too tempting to resist. But is it coincidence or something more sinister that the first person she encounters is Raphael Dauphin—the hot as hell Frenchman who shattered her heart when he vanished from her life that same night a decade ago?

When fate places the woman he once loved back in his arms, Raph doesn’t hesitate to take advantage. As security guards searching for Evie close in, he offers an escape route. His protection, in exchange for posing as his fiancée to secure a crucial property deal on the French Riviera.

Caught between the devil and henchmen ready to throw her into the deep blue Mediterranean Sea, her decision seems simple enough... But as Raph and Evie’s explosive chemistry reignites, so the dangers lurking in the shadows of the past awaken.

Suddenly it’s not just her heart Evie’s risking, but her life too.

Set in the glamorous South of France, Stealing Hearts is a standalone, second chance romantic suspense novel featuring a sinfully sexy hero, a fake fiancée, and a genuine HEA.

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6 шүүмж

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Sara Claridge writes contemporary romantic suspense novels that blend mystery and intrigue with passionate romance.

Born in London, her life took an unexpected turn when she followed her adventurous spirit and relocated to France several years ago on a whim. It’s here, nestled in the eaves of an old farmhouse deep in the French countryside, that she lets her imagination run wild, weaving tales of love, mystery, and danger.

When not writing at her desk, Sara can often be found in the garden. Usually with a glass of red wine in one hand and a good book in the other.

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