Steep Hills & Learning Curves: Cycling Lands’ End to John O’ Groats

· Troubador Publishing Ltd
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“The furthest I’d ever cycled in a day was thirty miles; a one off. And I had no experience of camping or cycle maintenance. But all I could envisage was some romantic notion about becoming a cycling nomad: travelling wherever my heart desired, camping in the great outdoors, visiting beautiful and historic places, and searching for a place to call home. The universe though had other ideas.”

An honest and detailed account by a first-time cycle tourist, riding from Lands’ End to John O’ Groats.

Travel with Dawn as she describes the challenges of bicycle travel, bringing her journey to life from moments most magical, to most miserable: from deluge to heatwave, bustling cities to remote landscapes, friendly welcomes to threats of violence, Dawn experiences it all, transforming her from a woefully unprepared novice, attempting a one-off challenge, and into a life-long advocate of bicycle travel.

For aspiring cycle tourists and armchair travellers alike, read a travelogue of a journey through Britain, told from the unique perspective of a young woman on a bicycle, who decides to go it alone.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Born in 1976, Dawn Rhodes grew up with a strong love for wildlife and nature. Since discovering the joys of cycle touring aged 21, she continued to tour the world, crossing Europe, The United States and parts of Asia and Australia. She now lives in the northeast of England with her husband and the two of them continue to explore the world by bicycle whenever they can.

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