Storm Born: A Free Paranormal Witch Romance (Road Trip Supernatural Love Story)

· The Witches of Wheeler Park መጽሐፍ 1 · Dark Valentine Press
107 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Love can strike like lightning — but so can trouble.

Lightning doesn’t just strike twice for Adara Grant. It strikes all the time. She suffers a setback; the heavens open up. She gets bullied; a tornado flattens a barn. Addie’s mother has always found an excuse to move before whispers and stares morph into pitchforks, but Addie suspects there’s a connection.

She just doesn’t know how. Or why.

Jake Wilcox is a witch hunter — for a good cause. His pet project is a powerful data-mining program that detects lone witches when their gifts manifest, thus bringing these “orphaned” witches under the Wilcox clan’s protection.

When Jake follows a lead to tiny, remote Kanab, Utah, he discovers a young witch as wild and beautiful as a desert storm. But he’s not the only witch hunter in town, and in an instant, Jake and Addie are on the run from someone hungry to use her gift for evil.

Addie finds a new home and protection with the Wilcox clan, but as danger closes in like an icy storm front, she faces a heartbreaking choice to protect her newfound family — and the man she’s coming to love.

KEYWORDS: witch, witches, witch clan, witch family, soul mate, fated mate, psychic, Arizona, Jerome, Flagstaff, mining town, free paranormal romance, free urban fantasy, free romance books full novel, warlock love, wizard love, witch love, free romance novels, romantic novels, small town romance, novels for free romance, series books free, witches of Cleopatra Hill, road trip, Homeland Security, DHS, government agent, secret government program

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USA Today bestselling author Christine Pope has been writing stories ever since she commandeered her family’s Smith-Corona typewriter back in grade school. Her work includes paranormal romance, fantasy romance, and science fiction/space opera romance. She makes her home in Arizona.

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ተከታታዩን ይቀጥሉ

ተጨማሪ በChristine Pope

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