Strains of Silence

· Pelican Ventures Book Group
El. knyga

Apie šią el. knygą

Music is 20-year-old Kasia Bernolak's driving passion and truest expression of her faith, but now it is three months before her wedding and she can't even pick up her guitar. When she finally finds the strength to break off her engagement with Blake Hamilton, she doesn't realize the dangerous truth: he isn't willing to say goodbye. It isn't until she meets Zan that she feels safe, as he rescues her from her ex-fiancé by appointing himself her personal bodyguard. Now, all he has to do is keep from falling for her himself. Kasia and Zan become fast friends, but true healing and justice might cost more than either of them is willing to pay.

Apie autorių

Bethany Kaczmarek is an editor who is a red pen-wielder, an adventurer, a connoisseur of music, and a lover of souls. She lives in Jarrettsville, Maryland.

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