
· Abbott Press

Bu e-kitab haqqında

In the late nineteenth century, Sunny, Arizona, is a place of redemption, self-discovery, and cross-dressing male prostitutes.

A young man born in New York watches as his life is upturned by the murder of his boss. Lost and talentless, he decides to become a peace officer for the US Government. He is hired and given the assignment of Sunny, Arizona. Hilarity ensues as he heads west in search of himself and his future.

As he embarks upon his odyssey of self-discovery, he encounters John, a somewhat delusional man of questionable origin. John sticks to our narrator, doing his best to pester, annoy, and keep him safe on his journey. Upon arriving in Sunny, he finds that the town is in the middle of a standoff between Wagner, a Canadian-born German, and the prostitutes of the town. The only catch is that these arent the Wests stereotypical prostitutes; they are, in fact, menbut they aim to please.

Set in the Old West, this satirical novel follows the antics of a troupe of gigolos and the US Marshal who has been sent to save them.

Müəllif haqqında

J. B. Heaton is a public high school English teacher who enjoys everything about life—that’s right—everything. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and naively believes that all the world’s problems can be solved through literature (like that will happen).

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