Sustainable Development and Learning: framing the issues

· Routledge
كتاب إلكتروني

معلومات عن هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

This book examines the difficult and wide-ranging issues relating to how we understand our environment, our place in it, and how we choose to act.

This comprehensive text provides an overview of these developing key issues, illustrating how - through schooling, higher education, professional training and development, and awareness-raising - people can bring about change, as well as engaging in debate and critique of issues. The book builds on existing work across a number of fields, as well as on original international research, in order to model the complexity of the problems, the institutional contexts in which they arise, and the interrelationships between these.

Areas explored include the policy context, the links between sustainable development and learning, the economic and moral interdependence of humans and nature, the management, assessment and evaluation of learning, and globalisation. The book suggests ways in which those responsible for learning can target their efforts appropriately, matching straightforward solutions to simple problems, and designing complex interventions only where these are needed.

This text will be a valuable resource for anyone studying Masters degrees and MBAs that focus on environment or sustainable development, and for professionals dealing with problems on a day-to-day basis. Though a free-standing text, its analysis is supported by a companion reader: Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: a critical review.

نبذة عن المؤلف

Gough, Stephen; Scott, William

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