Synaesthesia: Theoretical, artistic and scientific foundations

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 Synaesthesia: Theoretical, artistic and scientific foundations

Editorial Board

Sean A. Day (Trident Technical College, USA. President of the American Synesthesia Association)

Maria José De Córdoba (Granada University, Department of Drawing)

Emilio G. Milán (Granada University, Department of Experimental Psychology)

Ed Hubbard (Vanderbilt University, Department of Psychology and Human Development)

Dina Riccò (Politecnico di Milano University, Department of Design)

Editorial Staff

Edited by: Maria Josè De Cordoba, Dina Riccò, Sean Day

The three editors have worked in collaboration on the entire book. In particular: M.J. De Cordoba

has edited chapters I.2, I.4, I.5., II.2, II.6, II.7, II.8; D. Riccò chapters I.1, I.3, II.1, II.3, II.4, II.5; and Sean Day has edited the English revision of the whole book.

Chapters written in native English by the respective authors: I.1, I.2, I.5, II.1.

English translation from Spanish: Julia López de la Torre Lucha (Foreword, Preface, chapters I.4, II.2, II.7, II.8); Donald Hubert Duffy III (chapter II.5).

English Translation from Italian: Margaret Wood / Intras Congressi Bologna (chapters I.6, II.4), Peter Deville (chapter I.3), John Lander, Annarita Guidi and Maria Catricalà (chapter II.3).

English Translation from Russian: Anton V. Sidoroff-Dorso (Chapter II.6). Special thanks to Timothy B. Layden.

Graphic coordination: Dina Riccò

Graphic design: Giulia Martimucci

Visual: Alessandro Zamperini

© 2014 Ediciones Fundación Internacional ArteCittà, Granada (Spain)

Original Title: Sinestesia. Los fundamentos teóricos, artísticos y científicos,

by Maria José De Cordoba, Dina Riccò et al.

First Spanish Edition published in 2012 by Ediciones Fundación Internacional Artecittà

(Granada, Spain)

eBook Edition

ISBN: 978-84-939054-9-1

D.L.: GR 1383-2014 (14.07.2014)

Produced by Fundación Internacional Artecittà, Granada, Spain

Printed Edition

ISBN: 978-84-939054-6-0

D.L.: GR 1382-2014 (14.07.2014)

Printing: Imprenta Del Carmen, Granada, Spain

First English Edition: July 2014

Об авторе

 This edition in English language appears two years after the first edition of Sinestesia. Los fundamentos teóricos, artísticos y científicos (2012) that was in Spanish. This volume compiles contributions regarding the study of synaesthesia in a wide and multidisciplinary sense, from science to arts, its target audience being synaesthesia researchers, university students and PhD students.

We already intended, with the release of the first edition, to provide a partially bilingual Spanish/English edition, since around half of the contributions were originally written in English, so that it could embrace all the contributions in the original language of the authors. Due to the high number of pages the volume finally would have had, the idea of a double edition appeared.

Compared with the first edition in Spanish, a chapter about the relationship between music and synaesthesia (López-Montes) has been integrated. This absence was already mentioned in our first preface.

During the time between the two editions, a great volume about synaesthesias has been published, The Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia, edited by Ed Hubbard and Julia Simner.

Indeed, both volumes have something in common; for example, the interdisciplinary approach, and some of the authors (Brang, Day, Hubbard, Jewansky, Marks, Ramachandran, Ward). Nevertheless, both volumes have a different purpose. Our precise intention is to provide documentations about the beginning and spreading of the contemporary debate on the subject of synaesthesia and its position between the two edges: science and art, which, from our perspective, was due to the clever intuition discerned in the opening of the I international and multidisciplinary conference on Synaesthesia: Science and Arts, held in Cuevas de Almanzora, in Spain, in 2005. We firmly believed the first international experience certainly contributed to the dissemination and enrichment of the discussion, publications and interest that currently exists about synaesthesia.

The purpose of this volume is to demonstrate this development with the actors that participated in this process.

We have pleasure in presenting this new edition also because next year, during the V Conference of Synaesthesia: Science and Art – organized by ArtecittàFoundation with the collaboration of Politecnico di Milano, the University of Jaén, the Cultural Department of Alcalá La Real Council and the American Synesthesia Association (ASA) – that will be held in Alcalá La Real (Jaén, Spain, 16 – 19 May 2015), we will celebrate our tenth anniversary, a very special occasion for us: that is why we would like to offer to all attendees a memento of our work.

Among the different chapters we have combined the usage of the term synaesthesia (“European English”) and synesthesia (American English) – always respecting the terms used by the authors. Since the edition is published in Europe, the “European” English spelling has been prioritised in the title and in the text in general.

To conclude, we would like to show our especial gratitude to all of the authors who have enthusiastically collaborated on the Project of this new edition, to our translators – especially to Julia, our “official” translator – and to Artecittà Foundation that have made possible this new edition.

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