Syrup: A Novel

· Penguin ээс худалдаалагдав
19 шүүмж
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Now a major motion picture starring Amber Heard, Shiloh Fernandez, Kellan Lutz, and Brittany Snow

Scat (formerly known as Michael Holloway) is young, underemployed, and trying to make it in Los Angeles. When he comes up with the idea for the hottest new soda ever, he’s sure he’ll become the next overnight sensation, maybe even retire early. But in the treacherous waters of corporate America there are no sure things and Scat finds that he has to fight to save his idea if his yet-to-be-realized career will ever get off the ground. With the help of a scarily gorgeous and brilliant marketing director named 6, he sets out on a mission to grab hold the fame and fortune that, time and again, elude him. This sharp-witted novel is a scathingly funny satire of celebrity, the pop culture machine, and the length to which a guy will go to get ahead—and get a date while doing it.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

19 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Max Barry is the author of Jennifer Government (2003), Company (2006), and Machine Man (2011). His latest book is Lexicon (2013). He lives in Melbourne, Australia.

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