Tailspin (Uniformly Hot!, Book 20) (Mills & Boon Blaze)

· Uniformly Hot! 第 20 本图书 · HarperCollins UK


Subject: Air Force Captain Nash Fortune Current Status: On assignment, teaching at the Air Force Academy Mission: Brief his former flame on long–ago event. Full disclosure. Obstacle: Their past. Their future. And a very distracting present!

Bianca Quinn makes her living writing true–crime books. Her latest book is about a decade–old case involving a missing cadet– a case somebody doesn't want opened. And her best source of intel? None other than her still–way–too–hot high–school sweetheart, Nash Fortune....

But this is no sweet, shy reunion. That same heated chemistry is still very potent, and Bianca and Nash find themselves losing control– fast! Can they pull out of the tailspin...or do they dare find out just how far this desire might go?


Was Cara Summers born with the dream of becoming a published romance novelist? No. But now that she is, she still feels her dream has come true. And she owes it all to her mother, who handed her a Harlequin romance novel years ago and said, "Try it. You’ll love it.” Mom was right! Cara has written over forty stories for the Blaze and Temptation lines, and she has won numerous awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award for Series Storyteller of the Year from RT Book Reviews. When she isn’t working on new books, she teaches in the writing program at Syracuse University.


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