Tales of the Fae

· Modern Fae · Elizabeth Menozzi
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Now you can get all four Modern Fae novellas in one box-set!

Rogue Assassins

Rescue the Queen. Don't lose your heart.

Sorcha and Bryn team up with a pair of gargoyle assassins on a mission to bring back the kidnapped Faerie Queen.

This companion novella tells the story of how the war between the Fae and the Underworld started and can be read before reading any of the Modern Fae novels.

Vivian's Promise

Even the shortest night is full of danger.

Vivian runs away from her Summer Solstice wedding and into the arms of a Fae-blood Lord.

This is a prequel novella in the Modern Fae series, but can be read as a stand-alone story before or after reading other books in the series.

Eve the Immortal

Forever is a long time to keep a secret.

Eve and Liam's love survived the Wild Hunt, but can it withstand the test of immortality?

This extended epilogue novella takes place after book one (Eve of the Fae) and before book two (Dawn of the Fae) in the Modern Fae series.

Seren's Secret

Demons may be deadly, but dragons can steal your heart.

Seren, considered cursed by her Fae kin, meets a Dragon Fae prince who will fight anyone who says the two of them can't be together.

This story takes place alongside the events of book two and should ideally be read after Dawn of the Fae to avoid spoilers for books one and two.

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ავტორის შესახებ

Elizabeth Menozzi is an award-winning writer of science fiction and fantasy with romance. A former Midwestern girl, she currently resides on Orcas Island with her husband. In her spare time she is a trail runner and devourer of books.

You can sign up for her newsletter at https://emenozzi.com/newsletter/. 

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