Taming Him

· Bishop Brothers 1-kitob · Kennedy Fox
406 ta sharh
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He's sexy, charming, and has a panty-melting smirk.

She's swearing off men.

Two weeks on the beach is what they both needÑno strings attached, no expectations, no broken hearts.

Alex Bishop is every girl's wet fantasy and he knows it too.ÊAfter wining and dining his dates, he always sends flowers and calls the next day--even if it's to say,Êlet's just be friends.ÊHis mama taught him manners after all and his Southern blood knows how to be a gentleman. Still, that isn't enough to tame his wild ways.

River Lancaster has a broken heart and decides to fly to Key West, Florida. Tired of cheaters and liars, she's set on escaping to forget he ever existed. Who needs a man when there's an all-you-can-drink margarita bar, anyway? That's what she tells herself until she bumps into the right guy who can make all those bad memories disappear.

Even if it's only temporarily.

Too bad the universe has other plans--one that'll change the entire course of their lives in just nine short months.

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406 ta sharh

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