Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy S6

· Прадавец: John Wiley & Sons
6 водгукаў
Электронная кніга

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Your visual guide to unlocking the full potential of the Samsung Galaxy

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy is your step-by-step, visual guide to everything your new phone has to offer. With expert guidance from veteran technology author Guy Hart-Davis, it offers clear, concise instructions and pages of full-color screenshots that make it easy to learn how to fully utilize the Galaxy's latest features and capabilities from initial set-up to staying in touch, organizing your life, playing games, watching media, and more!

  • Configure and get your phone set up just the way you want it
  • Text, e-mail, use social networking, and take pictures easily
  • Get access to the Internet, maps, and navigation in a snap
  • Download apps and sync your Galaxy S6 with other devices

Your new Samsung Galaxy can streamline your life and keep you organized — all with the touch of a finger. Make the most of the experience with Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy!

Ацэнкі і агляды

6 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

Guy Hart-Davis (Barnard Castle, UK) is the author of more than 40 computing books, including TeachYourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy S5, TeachYourself VISUALLY Android Phones and Tablets, and TeachYourself VISUALLY iPhone. He also writes about PCs, Windows, Linux, and VBA.

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