Teaching Psychology in Higher Education

· John Wiley & Sons tərəfindən satılır

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This ground-breaking book is the first to address the learning and teaching issues associated with psychology in Higher Education in the UK and Europe
  • Presents effective, evidence-based practice and advice for both experienced and new lecturers
  • Covers challenging areas of psychology teaching, such as research methods and statistics, supervision of research projects and management of online learning
  • Relevant for European Universities aligning with the Bologna Declaration

Müəllif haqqında

Dominic Upton is Head of Psychological Sciences at the University of Worcester. He is a Chartered Health Psychologist and teaches psychology to psychologists and those in other professions. In addition to a number of academic articles in professional journals, he has written text books for psychologists along with nurses, podiatrists and other allied health care professionals. In 2007 he was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship for his role in exploring and developing the teaching of psychology.

Annie Trapp is Director of the Higher Education Academy Psychology Network and a founding member of EUROPLAT, a European network to support psychology education. In addition to editing the journal Psychology Learning and Teaching, she has written a number of book chapters and articles relating to psychology education and presented workshops on psychology education across the world.

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