Tears of Gold (Edinburgh Elementals 2)

Edinburgh Elementals Kniha 2 · Gayle Ramage
2 recenze

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

By day Cheryl works for a city law firm. By night she breaks into the houses of wealthy Edinburgh citizens and takes what she can.

After stealing a valuable necklace from the home of Hattie Turner, Cheryl can't believe her luck when she discovers the object has magical abilities.

But joy soon turns to misery, as the necklace begins to weave its power over her.

Meanwhile, Hattie is determined to get the Brisingamen necklace back under lock and key.

Keywords: urban fantasy, paranormal fantasy, fantasy series, Scotland, Scottish, Edinburgh, supernatural, mythology, magic, adventure,

Hodnocení a recenze

2 recenze

O autorovi

Gayle is a science fiction and fantasy author whose main ambition is to grow her own TARDIS so she can go travelling through time and space.

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