Teased by Fire

· Teased by Love 1-р ном · Be You Publishing, LLC
27 шүүмж
Электрон ном

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From USA Today bestselling author Molly O’Hare comes an enemies-to-lovers, older brother’s best friend, romantic comedy with a curvy, anti-social, supernatural-obsessed, all-year-round holiday-loving, secret romance author, and a hunky firefighter who is more than willing to be her new research partner.

Olive’s content living her anti-social existence, letting the characters she writes about fulfill her wild side. She’s worked hard to achieve a zero-human interaction life and wants to keep it that way. Then her best friend and roommate announced she’s moving out, and her older brother was moving in. Now Olive has to deal with the guy that’s teased her their entire life. But when Hank finds out about her secret career, how could she turn down the offer for a hands-on research partner for her books?

Hank’s had a thing for Olive for as long as he could remember. When he realized she needed a roommate, he jumped at the chance. Why wouldn’t he, when playing harmless pranks and teasing Olive, had always been his favorite pastime? One day when Hank let his curiosity get the better of him, he discovered Olive had a whole other side of her she kept hidden away.

All Hank has to do is convince Olive life is a heck of a lot more fun when you add some fire to it.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

27 шүүмж

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