Tempted by Scandal

· Dynasties: Secrets of the A-List წიგნი 1 · Harlequin
5 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

In this steamy contemporary romance, a billionaire’s assistant knows her boss is off limits, but the chemistry is off the charts.

Nadia Gonzalez has too much at stake to fall for her boss. But billionaire entrepreneur Matt Richmond has a way of getting past her defenses. When she finally gives into her feelings, the price couldn’t be higher. Soon the tabloid vultures are circling and the fate of Nadia’s career—not to mention her relationship with Matt—lies in the balance. Can she trust her boss to stand by her . . . or must business come first?

Matt’s power and wealth make him a target, and he can hardly afford the scandal rocking Richmond Industries right now. But he got this far by knowing right from wrong, and he won’t abandon Nadia. He trusts her, and their passion for each other is only growing . . . until a second scandal puts them to the ultimate test.

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5 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Karen Booth is a Midwestern girl transplanted in the South, raised on '80s music and repeated readings of Forever by Judy Blume. When she's not writing about dreamy fictional men and the women who test them, she's in the garden, obsessing over college basketball, or spending time with her husband, college-age kids, and bratty cat.

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