Testament of a Witch

· John MacKenzie 2. књига · Luath Press Ltd
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О овој е-књизи

Set in the 17th century against the backdrop of political and religious conflict, the second of Watt's John MacKenzie series is as historically rich and gripping as the last. MacKenzie investigates the murder of a woman accused of witchcraft and he must act quickly when the same accusations are made against the woman's daughter. Superstition clashes with reason as Scotland moves towards the Enlightenment. The 1600s are expertly recreated with a strong sense of history and place.

О аутору

Douglas Watt is a historian, poet and novelist who lives in Linlithgow with his wife Julie and their three children. He won the Hume Brown Senior Prize in Scottish History in 2008 for The Price of Scotland:Darien, Union and the Wealth of Nations (2007). Testament of a Witch is the second in his series of ingenious murder mysteries set in seventeenth century Scotland featuring lawyers John MacKenzie and David Scougall.

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