Testing Python: Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing

· 「John Wiley & Sons」から販売


Fundamental testing methodologies applied to the popular Python language

Testing Python; Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing is the most comprehensive book available on testing for one of the top software programming languages in the world. Python is a natural choice for new and experienced developers, and this hands-on resource is a much needed guide to enterprise-level testing development methodologies. The book will show you why Unit Testing and TDD can lead to cleaner, more flexible programs.

Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) are increasingly must-have skills for software developers, no matter what language they work in. In enterprise settings, it's critical for developers to ensure they always have working code, and that's what makes testing methodologies so attractive. This book will teach you the most widely used testing strategies and will introduce to you to still others, covering performance testing, continuous testing, and more.

  • Learn Unit Testing and TDD—important development methodologies that lie at the heart of Agile development
  • Enhance your ability to work with Python to develop powerful, flexible applications with clean code
  • Draw on the expertise of author David Sale, a leading UK developer and tech commentator
  • Get ahead of the crowd by mastering the underappreciated world of Python testing

Knowledge of software testing in Python could set you apart from Python developers using outmoded methodologies. Python is a natural fit for TDD and Testing Python is a must-read text for anyone who wants to develop expertise in Python programming.


David Sale is currently a software developer for British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB), where he works predominantly with Python and Java. He quickly began making his presence known in the Python Community, having written web articles on various Python topics. David has also given talks on Behaviour Driven Development and Agile Development at the EuroPython conference. He writes about technology for Nettuts+ and Tech.Pro.




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