That Mean Old Yesterday

· Simon and Schuster ээс худалдаалагдав
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An astonishing coming-of-age memoir by a young woman who survived the foster care system and went on to become an award-winning journalist.

On a rainy night in November 1999, a shoeless Stacey Patton, promising student at NYU, approached her adoptive parents' house with a gun in her hand. She wanted to kill them. Or so she thought.

No one would ever imagine that the vibrant, smart, and attractive Stacey had a childhood from hell. After all, with God-fearing, house-proud, and hardworking adoptive parents, she appeared to beat the odds. But her mother was tyrannical, and her father turned a blind eye to the years of abuse his wife heaped on their love-starved little girl.

Now in her unforgettable memoir, Stacey links her experience to the legacy of American slavery and successfully frames her understanding of why her good adoptive parents did terrible things to her by realizing they had terrible things done to them. She describes a story of how a typical American family can be undermined by their own effort to be perfect on the surface while denying emotional wounds inflicted—even generations before—that were never allowed to heal.

Unflinching and powerfully written, That Mean Old Yesterday ultimately brings light and gives a voice to children who have experienced mistreatment at the hands of those who are meant to help.

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Dr. Stacey Patton is an award-winning journalist and child advocate who teaches digital storytelling and media literacy at Howard University. She writes frequently about race and child welfare issues for The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, BBC News, and The Root, and has won numerous journalism awards and academic honors. Dr. Patton also is the author of the memoir That Mean Old Yesterday. Not My Cat is her first picture book. Visit her at

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