The AOA (Season 1 : Episode 4)

· The Agents of Ardenwood መጽሐፍ 4 · Kester James Finley

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

After a time-altering mystery nearly ended her career permanently, Becca happily returns to a normal routine until her morning spirals into another crime that needs solving. When a corpse shows up within the shifter community, she’ll be forced to work alongside Sister Sleet who takes cold-shoulder to the extreme. Can she dodge the icy reception to track a killer, or will a teammate’s frosty ways chill her to the bone?

They always say watch your back and keep your eyes open, but when the investigation stumbles across a new villain sowing discord and chaos, what she doesn’t see may ultimately be the one thing that kills them all. As the mystery unravels and confusion surfaces, she’s going to need more than luck to withstand Ardenwood’s newest criminal.

Questions arise and answers bring turmoil. As clues lead closer to the truth, she’ll uncover more pieces to a growing puzzle, one the past is quick to prevent her from finishing. Revelations hide in the shadows, and players come to light as Becca finds that a gentle smile could be her downfall and that those closest to her heart may also hold the deepest secrets. 


Kester James Finley is an author of paranormal and supernatural urban fantasy books. His work includes "The Keeper Chronicles" an urban magical realism fantasy series and a superhero novella series titled, "The AOA".

Living in Florida, Kester grew up in the backwoods of Zephyrhills. The country life with its slower pace, and its mix of colorful characters eager to share, inspired him to write.

Fascinated by the supernatural, he has spent time studying the paranormal and its history while enjoying the world of superheroes and magic. He is a proud geek, a lover of comics, a horror-film junkie, and a damn good role player.

He currently resides in Spring Hill whiling away the hours writing, trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up, what to have for dinner, and trying to solve the mystery of life beyond the veil.

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