The Accused Coroner

· Fenway Stevenson Mysteries 7. knjiga · Paul Austin Ardoin
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Enjoy this pulse-pounding fugitive mystery novel from USA TODAY bestselling mystery author Paul Austin Ardoin

"Be warned: to read one Fenway mystery is to want to read them all. If you love page-turning, unputdownable mysteries, then Ardoin is the real deal."

—Mark Stay, host of The Bestseller Experiment podcast

“Fenway is fantastic, and The Accused Coroner is her best adventure yet. Ardoin has done it again with another edge-of-your-seat page-turner.”

—Jack Benton, bestselling author of The Slim Hardy Mysteries


Coroner Fenway Stevenson is accused of a homicide she didn't commit—but all the evidence points her way. Staying one step ahead of the police, she unearths one secret after another. But the victim’s trail leads Fenway to a thirty-year-old homicide—and her mother was the prime suspect.

As the body count rises and the killer is still on the loose, can Fenway prove her innocence before it’s too late?


Don't miss this seventh novel in the critically-acclaimed bestselling Fenway Stevenson mystery series!


“From the first chapter to the last, The Accused Coroner deftly twines Fenway’s current life with her mother’s mysterious past, and keeps you guessing the entire time. This series has been getting better with every book — be prepared to stay up all night!”

—Tess Baytree, author of The Penelope Standing Mysteries

KEYWORDS: California beach town murder, biracial female coroner investigator, medical examiner thriller, fugitive thriller, on the run, private investigator sleuth, former nurse solves murders, estranged father, hard boiled mystery, strong Black woman sleuth, interracial romance mystery, BWWM detective romance, California beach black detective mystery whodunit crime fiction, Santa Barbara mystery, similar author to Leslie Wolfe, LJ Ross, Willow Rose, Blake Banner, Tom Fowler, Jeff Carson, TJ Jones

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20 mnenj

O avtorju

Paul Austin Ardoin is the bestselling author of The Fenway Stevenson Mysteries. He has published short fiction and humorous essays in the anthologies Bottomfish and Sweet Fancy Moses, and non-fiction works about computer security in California Computer News and European Communications.

Paul is a California native who put his creative writing degree to use by authoring marketing materials for computer security companies for the better part of two decades. When he's not writing novels or trying to save the world through better computer security, Paul plays keyboards in a dance rock band. He lives in the Sacramento area with his wife, two teenagers, and a menagerie of animals.

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