The Adventures of Captain Underpants: Color Edition (Captain Underpants #1)

· Captain Underpants 1ꢌ · 판맀자: Scholastic Inc.
리뷰 108개
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Fourth graders George Beard and Harold Hutchins invent the wedgie-powered superhero Captain Underpants in the first book in this #1 New York Times bestselling series by Dav Pilkey, the author and illustrator of Dog Man!

George and Harold are a couple of class clowns. The only thing they enjoy more than playing practical jokes is creating their own comic books. And together they've created the greatest superhero in the history of their elementary school: Captain Underpants! His true identity is SO secret, even HE doesn't know who he is!

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리뷰 108개
Elin Park
2023λ…„ 9μ›” 19일
Hello ive read almost all your books love dog man and petty although supa doesn't fit me The first story is always a fine legend, isnt it ... its so fun. Severus Snape
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When Dav Pilkey was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Dav was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hallway every day. Luckily, Dav loved to draw and make up stories. He spent his time in the hallway creating his own original comic books -- the very first adventures of Dog Man and Captain Underpants. In the second grade, Dav's teacher ripped up his comics and told him he couldn't spend the rest of his life making silly books. Fortunately, Dav was not a very good listener.

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