The Adventures of Hermes, God of Thieves: 100 Journeys Through Greek Mythology

· Pushkin Children's Books
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Follow Hermes on 100 unforgettable journeys across the fascinating, colourful world of Greek mythology. The young god is determined to have adventures from the very moment of his unusual birth, stealing sacred cows, discovering fire and inventing the lyre and flute. With his tumbling brown curls and cheerful fearlessness, he charms his fellow gods: mighty Apollo, mournful Artemis, beautiful Aphrodite, and even the king of the gods, his father, Zeus himself. He will drink the nectar of Olympus and discover the truth about the immortals, from their first moments and worst monsters to their greatest loves and most terrible battles-but Hermes won't let any of it distract him from that whole wide world of good fun...

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Murielle Szac was born in Lyons. She has worked as a political journalist, been editor-in-chief at various children's magazines and directed a number of documentaries for television. She has also written several books for children, including The Adventures of Theseus, and The Adventures of Hermes, and is currently the publisher of a children's imprint at the French publishing house Actes Sud Junior. 
Mika Provata-Carlone is an independent scholar, translator, editor, photographer and illustrator. She is passionate about good books, old and new, for the young and for the old; also about old-fashionedpresses, smelling of paper and ink. She has also translated Pockety for Pushkin Children's Books.

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