The Adventures of King Midas (Red Storybook)

· HarperCollins UK

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

A rollicking magical adventure story as King Midas sets out to find a cure for his magic touch so that he can turn his daughter back from gold.

Witches, dragons, wizards and a host of amazing characters feature in this spell-binding tale from a supreme storyteller.

ავტორის შესახებ

Lynne Reid Banks was born in London in 1929. She was an actress in the early 1950s and later became one of the first two women TV News reporters in Britain. She is a best-selling author for both children and adults, and has written over thirty books, including The L-Shaped Room.

Lynne Reid Banks has three grown-up sons and lives in Dorset and London with her sculptor husband, Chaim Stephenson.

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