The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

· Harper & Brothers
4,86 tūkst. apžvalgų
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The book that introduced the world to the iconic American characters of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, this 1876 novel by Mark Twain follows the mischievous exploits of the two young boys, who find themselves in situations both humorous and dangerous. Never short of ways to stir up trouble in his hometown on the Mississippi River, Tom uses his wits to get both in and out of tight spots, often with Huck at his side. Featuring moments of significant social commentary, these interconnected tales essentially served as a dry run for Twain's notably weightier sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

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Mark Twain—the pen name of Samuel Clemens—is widely regarded as America's greatest 19th-century fiction writer. Twain began crafting short stories in his memorably witty style while working as a journalist. The success of these humorous narratives led to further tales, most notably his classic novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its more ambitious follow-up, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A frequent lecturer, Twain is remembered for both his literary contributions and his outsized personality.

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