The Beautiful and the Cursed: Marco's Story

· გამყიდველი: Delacorte Press
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For readers of Lauren Kate's Fallen series comes a digital original short story set in the world of The Beautiful and the Cursed that follows Ingrid and Gabby Waverly and the terrifying forces determined to take their lives. Read it before the sequel, The Lovely and the Lost, is available in 2014 from Delacorte Press.

Praise for The Beautiful and the Cursed:

“A deliciously satisfying mix of historical fiction, mystery, and supernatural romance.”—The Bulletin

“Morgan's fluid descriptions, inventive otherworldly elements, and characters with convincing motivations result in an immersive first installment.”—Publisher’s Weekly

“Morgan combines fantasy with gothic romance in this well-crafted standout.”—Booklist

“A sexy red dress…forbidden romance and hot kissing abound.”—Kirkus Reviews

“Morgan keeps the plot moving with constant action…dark adventure and romance.”—School Library Journal

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ავტორის შესახებ

   Page Morgan has been fascinated with les grotesques ever since she came across an old black-and-white photograph of a Notre Dame gargoyle keeping watch over the city of Paris. The gargoyle mythologies she went on to research fed her imagination, and she became inspired to piece together her own story and mythology for these remarkably complex stone figures. Page lives in New Hampshire with her husband and their three children.
   Visit her at and look for the next book in the Dispossessed trilogy, The Lovely and the Lost, available in 2014 from Delacorte Press.

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