The Bite of Silence

· Biting Love Series పుస్తకం 3 · విక్రయించినది Entangled: Select Otherworld
2 రివ్యూలు
అర్హత ఉంది

ఈ ఇ-పుస్తకం గురించి

Times Square. New Year’s Eve. This year, it’s a Countdown to Death.

Twyla Tafel has uncovered an insane plot to unleash vampires on the unsuspecting revelers. She’s armed only with her great admin skills, her useless art degree, and Nikos—a seriously hot vampire she’d love to paint as a Spartan king roaring his muscular challenge at the Persians.

Each book in the Biting Love series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed in any order.
Series Order:
Book #1: Bite My Fire
Book #2: Biting Nixie
Book #3: The Bite of Silence novella
Book #4: Biting Me Softly
Book #5: Biting Oz
Book #6: Beauty Bites
Book #7: Downbeat
Book #8: Assassin’s Bite
Book #9: Passion Bites

రేటింగ్‌లు మరియు రివ్యూలు

2 రివ్యూలు

రచయిత పరిచయం

I write steamy paranormal romances and wickedly fun romantic adventures, stories that crackle with action and love. Challenging, smart alpha men—and women not afraid of a challenge. And oh, do the sparks fly when he meets THE woman guaranteed to infuriate and inflame him most.

In real life I’m an author, a spouse and mother, a flutist, a computer geek, and a binge-TV-watcher of The Flash, Elementary, NCIS, and Wynonna Earp.

ఈ ఈ-బుక్‌కు రేటింగ్ ఇవ్వండి

మీ అభిప్రాయం మాకు తెలియజేయండి.

పఠన సమాచారం

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