The Black Cauldron

· Usborne Publishing Ltd
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ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

The peaceful land of Prydain is under threat. The evil Lord of Annuvin is using the dark magic of the Black Cauldron to create a terrifying army of deathless warriors. The Cauldron must be destroyed, and Taran joins Prince Gwydion and his faithful knights, Ellidyr and Adaon, in this perilous quest. Taran is desperate to wear his first sword and prove his worth amongst such noble men. But their adventure will demand great sacrifices, as each warrior fulfils his destiny in totally unexpected ways. The second book in Lloyd Alexander's classic fantasy epic The Chronicles of Prydain.

"Lloyd Alexander is the true High King of fantasy." - Garth Nix

A Newbery Honour Book 1966

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3 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Lloyd Alexander (1924-2007) is one of the most respected and best-loved of American authors, with a huge following worldwide. The Chronicles of Prydain have won many awards, including the highly prestigious Newbery Medal for The High King, as well as the Newbery Honour for The Black Cauldron and the ALA Notable Book for The Book of Three. He is best known for his tales of high fantasy and adventure, and in 2003 he was awarded a Life Achievement Award by the World Fantasy Convention.

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