The Blood Flag

· Blackstone Publishing
3 bài đánh giá
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The Blood Flag was last seen on October 18, 1944, when Heinrich Himmler displayed it proudly as he commissioned the Volkssturm, the Nazi Party’s new militia created to avert the certain defeat that awaited Germany.

Hitler believed the Blood Flag, Blutfahne, carried sacred powers. It held the blood of the first Nazi martyrs, those killed in the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923, when Hitler first tried to take over Germany. Several Nazis were shot and fell onto the flag, pouring their blood into the already red fabric. That flag—with a white circle and a black swastika in the middle—still lives.

Kyle Morrissey, a special agent for the FBI, travels to Europe with his father to see him receive the Legion of Honor from France for his service at Normandy. But after the ceremony, while traveling through Germany, Kyle and his family encounter neo-Nazis perpetuating the evil philosophy he thought his father’s generation had ended once and for all. Kyle soon discovers that tens of thousands are ready to raise the swastika once more and renew the hatred of the thirties and forties. Baffled and furious, Kyle embarks on a personal mission to bring down the movement. But how?

In trying to understand the history of Nazism, Kyle learns of the Blood Flag and knows it is the key to his success. From DC to Dresden to Recklinghausen and Argentina, the Blood Flag leads Kyle on a worldwide race in an attempt to end international Nazism for good.

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3 bài đánh giá

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James W. Huston (1953–2016) was the New York Times bestselling author of eight thrillers, including Fallout, Flash Point, and The Shadows of Power. A graduate of TOPGUN, he served as a Naval flight officer in F-14s on the USS Nimitz with the Jolly Rogers. He was a trial lawyer for the international law firm of Morrison Foerster and was involved in numerous high-profile cases.

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