The Boyfriend from Hell: A Novel

· Open Road Media
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DIVVeronica Delaney didn’t intend to fall for another bad guy, especially not one who just might be evil incarnate . . .
Veronica Delaney is a bright and beautiful, young New York journalist who has had hard luck romantically and professionally. Her latest boyfriend left her for fame (and another woman, of course), and her latest assignment has her covering a bizarre satanic cult. But while following the story, Veronica soon meets the charming, polite, and devilishly handsome occult historian Richard Smith. Soon she’s embroiled in an exciting affair—at least until strange relics begin to appear on her doorstep and things start to go terribly wrong./divDIV /divDIVThe Boyfriend from Hell is a funny, astute psychological thriller about the mysteries of attraction and love’s power to hijack our good sense./divDIV /divDIVThis ebook features an illustrated biography of Avery Corman including rare images from the author’s personal collection./div

Звесткі пра аўтара

DIVAvery Corman (b. 1935) is an American author best known for his novels Kramer vs. Kramer and Oh, God!, which inspired classic feature films. Born and raised in the Bronx, Corman worked as a freelance writer for most of his early career before his first novel was published in 1971. Corman has written powerfully of family relations, divorce, and midlife crisis.  /div

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