The Carnelian Tyranny: Savino’S Revenge

· Abbott Press
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Three months after her fateful trip through the vortex, Marisa MacCallum is struggling to cope with the responsibilities of being a royal. And with only a few weeks left before her coronation, she starts to have doubts about her engagement to the handsome Prince Darian Fiore.

But when palace spies uncover a secret plot to assassinate members of the royal family and annihilate the Crimson Knights, Marisa and Darian must put their future plans on hold to prevent Savino da Rocha and his legion of warrior giants from stealing the throne.

After narrowly escaping an attempt on her life, she is forced to defend the stronghold of Crocetta while Darian marches to war. But when Savino strikes at the heart of the kingdom with supernatural powers of darkness, Marisa becomes trapped in a spiritual battle with the potential to destroy her family and end the Fiore dynasty forever.

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

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Cheryl Koevoet is the author of The Carnelian Legacy series. A native of Portland, Oregon, she currently lives in The Hague, The Netherlands with her husband, four children, two cats, and the laziest greyhound on the planet.

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