The Classical Psychologists: Selections Illustrating Psychology from Anaxagoras to Wundt

· Houghton Mifflin
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"The Classic Psychologists" is a companion volume in the field of psychology to the author's "The Classical Moralists" in the sphere of ethics, and also to his "Modern Classical Philosophers" in the domain of philosophy. Its aim is to present in a series of selections some of the most essential features of the psychological doctrines which have appeared from Anaxagoras to Wundt. The book is thus virtually a history of psychology, not derived from an ordinary description of systems, but based upon extracts from original sources and upon translations of the authors themselves. Such a work, it is hoped, may prove adapted for colleges and universities as a text-book of reading accompanying courses of lectures in general psychology, and may become a necessary requirement of study made of all students before entering upon the study of the special divisions of existing psychology. The general reader, moreover, will find it an interesting volume of original material of the great psychologists from the earliest to the most recent times"--Pref. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved)

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