The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling: A Hardcore, High-Flying, No-Holds-Barred History of the One True Sport

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15 шүүмж
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From the host of the critically acclaimed pro wrestling podcast Straight Shoot, this graphic novel history of wrestling features the key grapplers, matches, and promotions that shaped this beloved sport and form of entertainment.

As a pop culture phenomenon, professional wrestling--with its heroic babyfaces and villainous heels performing suplexes and powerbombs in pursuit of championship gold--has conquered audiences in the United States and around the world. Now, writer/podcaster Aubrey Sitterson and illustrator Chris Moreno form a graphic novel tag team to present wrestling's complete illustrated history. Featuring legendary wrestlers like Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and The Rock, and modern-day favorites like John Cena, Kenny Omega, and Sasha Banks, the book covers wrestling's progress from the carnival days of the Gold Dust Trio to the dominance of the WWF/WWE to today's diverse independent wrestling scene, and it spotlights wrestling's reach into Mexico/Puerto Rico (lucha libre), the U.K. (all-in), and Japan (puroresu).

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15 шүүмж

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AUBREY SITTERSON is a Los Angeles-based writer who has written comics for every major US publisher as well as for internationally recognized licenses. However, he remains best known for his creator-owned work, including the successfully crowdfunded BEEF BROS and Stoned Master, the fantasy romance Savage Hearts, the science fiction detective story The Worst Dudes, multiple volumes of the fight comics soap opera No One Left to Fight, and the only comprehensive history of The One True Sport, The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling.

CHRIS MORENO is a comics artist and creator who has worked for BOOM! Studios, IDW, Image Comics, Marvel Comics, and Zenescope, among others.

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