The Complete Guide To The Kabbalah: How to Apply the Ancient Mysteries of the Kabbalah to Your Everyday Life

· Random House
3 izibuyekezo

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The Kabbalah is a practical system for understanding ourselves and our relationship with the world. At the heart of the Western Mystery Tradition, it is based upon a 'map' called the Tree of Life.

The Complete Guide to the Kabbalah reveals the ancient mysteries of the Tree of Life in a way that is exciting, effective in its applications, and relevant to our modern everyday lives. The blend of traditional teachings coupled with state-of-the-art psychological understanding makes it an essential book for everyone interested in their own personal and spiritual development. This comprehensive book explains in straightforward terms how the Kabbalah can help us to:

- Understand the connections between all the different events, ideas, and relationships we experience, and thereby make sense of life and enable us to live it to the full
- Work from the heart as well as from the intellect and apply your insights to everyday life
- Open yourself to the fabulous resources of your own inner wisdom

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3 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

Will Parfitt is a registered psychotherapist and an experienced teacher and author. He is the director of PS Avalon which runs courses on the Kabbalah with many active students world-wide. Will travels internationally doing courses as well as offering individual or group coaching, and professional mentoring here in the UK.

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