The Complete Idiot's Guide to Solar Power for Your Home, 3rd Edition: Edition 3

· Продаје Penguin
5 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

All the power you need is already there 

This third edition helps readers understand the basics of solar (photovoltaic) power and explore whether it makes sense for them, what their options are, and what's involved with installing various on– and off–grid systems.

• Solar power is a $3 billion industry, and it's poised to grow to $39 billion by 2014
• By 2011, the United States will surpass Germany as the largest market for solar power products

Оцене и рецензије

5 рецензија

О аутору

DAN RAMSEY is the author of more than 20 books for homebuilders and buyers, including builder’s construction guides, contractor business guides, kit home construction, and homeowner remodeling and repair books. He has extensive remodeling experience and has also served as a successful real estate agent. Dan recently supervised the design, siting, construction, and move-in of a new home in northern California.

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