The Complete Mother of the Groom: How to be Graceful, Helpful and Happy During This Special Time

· Simon and Schuster ээс худалдаалагдав
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For the mother of the groom who wants to do more than "just wear beige"!

You want to be helpful, but not pushy. You want your son's ceremony to reflect the love your family shares and not just his bride-to-be's taste. You want to take part in their big day without forcing yourself into the spotlight. The good news is, you can. In The Complete Mother of the Groom, you'll learn how to:
  • Help out with the rehearsal dinner
  • Broach the subject of your role in the ceremony
  • Relate to your son's future in-laws
  • Give assistance to the bride without stepping on toes
  • Plan a shower that honors your son and future daughter-in-law

Mother of the groom expert Sydell Rabin connects you with other mothers who went through the same thing, covering every question and concern. The Complete Mother of the Groom--because you want to do more than "just wear beige"!

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Sydell Rabin (Ipswich, MA) has had her articles featured in For the Bride magazine as well as in the English Journal, Educational Viewpoints, and Education Digest. She has her B.S. in education from Temple University and has served as president of The Writing Associates, Inc. She herself was the mother of the groom, an illuminating experience that has helped her explore her own feelings and the cries and whispers of others.

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