The Curiosity Keeper

· A Treasures of Surrey Novel წიგნი 1 · გამყიდველი: Thomas Nelson
33 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Set in the same time period and location as Bridgerton and Poldark, this Regency romance brings together a wealthy heir and a mysterious young woman as they search for secrets behind a missing a ruby.

Jonathan Gilchrist never wanted to inherit Kettering Hall. A second son, he was content to work as the village apothecary. But when his brother’s death made him heir just as his father’s foolish decisions put the estate at risk, only the sale of a priceless possession—a ruby called the Bevoy—can save the family from ruin. But the gem has disappeared. And all trails lead to Iverness Curiosity Shop—and the beautiful shop girl who may be the answer to his many questions.

Camille Iverness can take care of herself. She’s done so since the day her mother abandoned the family and left Camille to run their shabby curiosity shop. But when a violent betrayal leaves her injured with no place to hide, Camille must allow a mysterious stranger to come to her aid.

Caught at the intersection of blessings and curses, greed and deceit, these two determined souls must unite to protect what they hold dear. But when a passion that shines far brighter than any gem is ignited, they will have to decide how much they are willing to risk for their future, love, and happiness.

Praise for The Curiosity Keeper:

“A delightful read, rich with period details. Ladd crafts a couple the reader roots for from the very beginning and a plot that keeps the reader guessing until the end.” —Sarah M. Eden, bestselling author of For Elise

  • The first book in the Treasures of Surrey Regency romance series (books do not need to be read in order)
    • Book One: The Curiosity Keeper
    • Book Two: Dawn at Emberwilde
    • Book Three: A Stranger at Fellsworth
  • Book length: 89,000 words
  • Includes discussion questions for book clubs
  • Chaste, kissing-only Regency romance

შეფასებები და მიმოხილვები

33 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Sarah E. Ladd is an award-winning, bestselling author who has always loved the Regency period--the clothes, the music, the literature, and the art. A college trip to England and Scotland confirmed her interest in the time period, and she began seriously writing in 2010. Since then, she has released several novels set during the Regency era. Sarah is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. She lives in Indiana with her family. Visit Sarah online at; Instagram: @sarahladdauthor; Facebook: @SarahLaddAuthor; Twitter: @SarahLaddAuthor; Pinterest: @SarahLaddAuthor.

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