The Dad Next Door

· Three Good Men පොත 1 · HarperCollins Australia

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His daughter needs her mother. And Gavin Gray will do anything for Tory. Even reunite with the woman who abandoned them. That's the only reason they've moved to Squam Lake, his ex–wife's last known address. Now it's a waiting game.

That game has suddenly gotten more complicated. Because of Allison Bennett, the next–door neighbour he never expected to fall in love with. Just as their future looks promising, his ex–wife returns with a past that haunts them all.

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CJ Carmichael gave up the glamour of income tax forms and double-entry bookkeeping when she sold her first book in 1998. She has now written over 30 novels for Harlequin, been twice nominated for RWA’s RITA award, as well as Romantic Time’s Career Achievement award. CJ lives in Calgary, Alberta, with her partner, Mike, and the family cat, Penny.

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