The Daily Walk Bible NLT: 31 Days with Jesus

· Tyndale House
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Most people agree that Jesus was an amazing teacher and someone we could all learn from. At the same time, most of us have spent little time actually reading his story. The Daily Walk Bible NLT: 31 Days with Jesus is an open invitation to do just that. In just one month you will read through all four gospels, seeing Jesus and gaining insight into his purpose and message for us.

This special eBook, taken from the pages of The Daily Walk Bible, includes a simple reading plan to help you through. Each day includes an Overview that provides a bird’s-eye view of that day’s reading, an inspirational and practical My Daily Walk devotion, and an Insight that offers an interesting fact about the passage. Every seventh day you will be invited to pause and reflect—looking back over what you have read, looking forward to what is coming, and most importantly looking up to God.

It’s that simple, but be warned, Jesus has been changing lives for two thousand years—31 days and yours won’t be the same either.

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1270 iritzi

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