The Dark Beneath

· Hachette UK
1 recenzia
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Táto e‑kniha

Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award, The Dark Beneath tells the chilling tale of how one girl's friendship with three refugees could cost her life.

'Today I shot the girl I love'.

GCSE's are over and sixteen-year-old Imogen is looking forward to a perfect, lazy English summer. But her world is turned upside down by three refugees, all hiding from life. Anthony is fourteen, already an outcast, bullied and shunned by his peers. Farid is an asylum seeker from Afghanistan, who has travelled across continents seeking peace. And Gordon Craig is a bitter, lonely man. She knows all of them, but she doesn't know how dangerous they are. Being part of their lives could cost Imogen her own.

Supercharged with tension and drama, Alan Gibbon's novel is about what happens when the fabric of normality is ripped apart exposing the terrifying dark beneath.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1 recenzia

O autorovi

Alan Gibbons is a full-time writer and a visiting speaker and lecturer at schools, colleges and literary events nationwide, including the major book festivals. He lives in Liverpool with his wife and has four grown up children. He travels globally and is known the length and breadth of the country for his high profile Campaign for the Book and school visits.

Visit his website at, read his blog at, follow him on Twitter at, Facebook at and Flickr at

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