Kamas Kirian
There were parts of this book that I dearly loved. The ethnography was great. The descriptions of the area made me want to go visit. I really like Gideon, though I find him a little too stuck on formal education credentialing at times, and I like the introduction of Julie. The pacing was good, the story moved right along. But there were also parts of this book that I found completely frustrating and made me want to strangle the characters at times. For one, I was pretty sure of the weapon from the opening pages. And the fact that the anthropologist in the story didn't think of it, but instead attributed the force to 'super human strength' had me wanting to pull my hair out (assuming I wasn't bald already). Or the fact that immediately after being brained by a stone ax and knocked unconscious, Julie and Gideon starting tracking the little old man who found Gideon, even though Gideon was kind of thinking that it wasn't the old guy who did it. Why not look around for the tracks of the person who DID whack you on the noggin? The whole sequence with the Big Foot hunters could have been completely left out as well. One of the things that stood out to me, struck me as rather funny at the time, was how in 1982 there were people driving around with firearms in a National Park. In 1983 congress pretty much outlawed all civilian firearms in National Parks, which lasted until 2009. The eBook was formatted well with only a couple of minor spelling errors noticed.
Janice Tangen
mystery, myths-legends, anthropologist, romance**** I still like this one even after a number of years. I'd forgotten the romance novel stuff, but I was more than happy to reread all of the anthro. It was nice hearing about University of Wisconsin and Gideon's friends in anthropology and the FBI. The mystery was solid with good writing and problem solving. Joel Richards did a nice job of narrating.