The Diamond Throne (The Elenium Trilogy, Book 1)

· The Elenium Trilogy Kirja 1 · HarperCollins UK
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Book One of the classic ELENIUM series.

After a long exile, Pandion Knight Sparhawk returns to his native land to find his young queen grievously ill.

Ehlana has been poisoned and will die unless a cure can be found within a year. The life force of twelve of her sworn knights is all that sustains her; but one knight will be lost within the passing of each month if the antidote isn’t found.

To save his queen, his comrades, and the stability of the kingdom, Sparhawk begins the search for the cure, only to discover a greater and more pervasive evil than he could ever have imagined.

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David Eddings was born in Washington State in 1931 and grew up near Seattle. He graduated from the University of Washington and went on to serve in the US Army. Subsequently, he worked as a buyer for the Boeing Aircraft Company and taught college-level English. His career as a fantasy writer, with his wife Leigh, has been spectacular.

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